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Pragyadhara's 5 ways to stay on top of her wellbeing

Alicja Skop

1. Sleep - good sleep hygiene is essential for waking up feeling refreshed and revived. If your a mouth breather this can definitely affect the quality of sleep.

2. Time in Nature - time spent engaging the senses fully in taking in the natural world if possible in barefeet. The magnetic field of the earth can help you to recharge and release stress.

3. Circuit Breakers - something that you do that completely shifts your mind state, usually something you love and can easily absorb in. This actually helps the mind to rest and wards off stress as your feel good chemicals will be flowing.

4. Meditation - There are many techniques but learning a basic body scan and breath awareness is one of the simplest & most effective practices to do.

5. Natural sunlight within the first hour of waking up: Exposure to the suns rays stimulates coritisol which sets of the natural biorhythms of the body which you can tune into and adjust activities to. Re-establishing healthy biorhythms is a sure way to regulate your moods.

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